Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Android App for Object Identification App-Free-Samples for Students

Question: You are required to review the assigned proposals and provide a report based on your review. This report will be graded and will count towards your final grade. Answer: Proposal Presentation The proposal defines the purpose to make an android app for object identification app, in the introduction formatting of the paragraph was aligned. The structure clearly showcase, what shall be learned by the peers, about the project proposal making for Android mobile application. Device Capabilities The device capabilities and requirements section, tell us for whom this app works for, which operating system, what shall be the central processing unit to be used, Memory to be used and what free space shall be available. However, there glitch in the capabilities define, as nowadays the technology has advanced and Operating system used nowadays is Nougat, every device lunched in the market is using Nougat Android operating system. Architecture diagram The diagram shown was to replicate the architecture of object identification app, as we can see in the diagram shown below. There is interface for object finder application which shall be managed in the backend from the database through the use of API services, designed specifically for the Mobile application. Class Diagram The proposal also explains the class diagram which have identified to explain what type classes we shall be using for the application. As shown by the diagram, it shows the relation between the image details and image header respectively. Following are the fields being used in the class diagram explained in the proposal: Image Header-Img Id, No of objects, Date and time Image detail- Img Id, Img D Id, Img Name Use Case Diagram The proposal prepared by the user explains the six use cases, which have been identified by user for this project for now. Following are the use cases mentioned by the user in the project proposal with clear statement that there also option of use cases increment in the later stages of the project. Open Camera To capture the photo for the use to open the camera. Take photo To capture the photo this use case shall be used. Display Results The result window shall show the captured automatically View Settings The settings of the application shall be shown with the help of this use case shown in the diagram below. View Help The help option use case is being derived to explain the use of View help in the application Exit This use case as indicated by the name, showcases how the user can come out of the mobile application. This use case made in the proposal, to showcase various uses of the application: Application Screens: In the proposal, the actual wireframe for the screen is also shown, which will explain the interfaces for the application, the scenario taken care by the application which later on concedes into the actual mobile application. This is the main screen of the mobile application that is object identification app: The camera screen wireframe shall look like this shown below: The object find screen shall look like this as shown below: Technical Soundness of the project The proposal does not explains all the technical terms to be used for the Android Application such as what type platform to be used, what type of database to be used, how to API shall be integrated. The complete picture about the technical terminology is missing from the project proposal. Proposed project difficulty level The project requirements are clear and sound to make a object identification app which shall be used to identify the object when user takes the picture of the object. The changes required in the use cases and class diagrams as well as other project requirements such as as user interface interaction, internet connection, database, visualization, use of camera, location information. Positive suggestions for project proposal There are many positive suggestions to be made for this type of project such as: The layout of the project proposal should be explained in more connection with the mobile application to be build. The executive summary or the abstract of the project proposal is not given, that should also be added. The Table of contents shall be also be added, which gives us the type of content mentioned in the project proposal It should also include proper highlighted heading and sub-headings, so that segregation shall be clearly visible. Constructive suggestions for project proposal The constructive suggestions for object identification app proposal are: Market already has object identification app, what is fruitful purpose to make this app. There are lots of API available in the market, which can be directly linked with interface of the mobile app, but in this project proposal we are making API instead of using already available APIs.

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